One of the main reasons for a need of assisted reproduction is undeniably postponing motherhood to a higher age. While male fertility does not decrease significantly, female fertility drops after 30 years of age.
At 35 years of age this drops becomes even steeper and after the age of 40 fertility is a serious problem. This drop is caused by the decrease in quantity, but crucially quality of oocytes. Therefore we recommend a preimplantation genetic diagnosis to all women over the age of forty. This examination of the embryos before implanting them reduces the risk of miscarriage and other complications caused by genetic defects.
Stimulation itself is not physically exhausting and there is no need to fear it, even after forty. During the application of hormones, you do not need to change your habits and lifestyle. It is, however, important to follow the instructions after embryotransfer – rest, abstaining from sex, laying off sports etc.