In case you cannot conceive with your own cells, we use the gametes (sperm or eggs) from our donors. Sperm and egg donation in Czech republic is legal, voluntary, safe and fully anonymous.
The success of cycles with donated gametes is very high. In fact, the results are amongst the best of all assisted reproduction methods.
We chose donors carefully, all go through legally required examinations. All donors are healthy, women between 18 and 33 years with regular menstrual cycles and normal weight. They have no family history of psychiatric and hereditary illnesses. The same applies to male donors, who take several tests and examinations.
Procedure of IVF with Donated Gametes
- Initial Consultation - A doctor first explains the entire procedure. He will listen to your wishes regarding the egg donor.
- Searching for the Perfect Donor - Finding a suitable donor takes 1 to 2 months. We find a donor who resembles you, based on eye and hair colour, height, weight, blood group and Rh factor.
- Cycle Synchronisation Between Donor and Recipient - After we find a suitable donor, we arrange the date of the beginning of the stimulation. We must follow her menstrual cycle when planning the stimulation. We simultaneously contact you - the recipient – share basic information about the donor and also arrange the beginning of stimulation. After 10 to 14 days, the recipient visits a clinic and we check the thickness of her uterus lining. Thanks to cycle synchronisation, the uterus lining will be in the best condition for receiving an embryo at the day of embryotransfer.
- Egg Retrieval and Fertilisation - If your partner’s sperm is not frozen, he will visit the clinic at the day of egg retrieval to give an ejaculate sample. All eggs of the donor are immediately fertilised, usually by ICSI or PICSI method. They are then cultivated in an incubator.
- Embryotransfer - After 5 days of cultivation, we chose the best developed embryos. One is inserted inside your uterus through cervix using a thin apparatus. This procedure is painless.
In the first few days after transfer, EmbryoGlue helps the embryo to stick to the uterus lining properly. It also contains nutrients needed for development.
We freeze all the remaining healthy embryos for future use, should it be needed.
IVF Procedure with Donated Sperm
The same as with classical IVF, except that we use donor’s sperm for fertilisation.
IVF – In Vitro Fertilisation