Carlsbad (Karlovy Vary) is a spa town on the very west point of Bohemia bordering with Germany. PRONATAL Spa is perfect for you if you wish to combine your treatment with leisure walks around the historical town, and maybe taste local healing springs. In the meantime, you will be taken care of by experienced staff in top-notch equipped laboratories.
Our specialists
MUDr. Michal Kouřil
Head doctor, PRONATAL Spa
MUDr. Andrea Farkašová
Doctor, PRONATAL Spa
Ing. Petra Štefanová
Branch manager, PRONATAL Spa
Mgr. Richard Honner
Head embryologist, PRONATAL Spa, Head embryologist PRONATAL Group
IČ: 046 14 135, DIČ: CZ04614135, registered in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prag, section C, entry No. 250762 Statutory representative: MUDr. David Karásek
All locations work in a management system which is certified by the norm ČSN EN ISO 9001:2009. All locations are approved by SÚKL (State Institute for Drug Control) as a tissue facility according to the law 296/2008 Sb., which is a condition for the provision of care in the field of reproductive medicine. Pronatal Sanatorium laboratories are medical laboratory no. 8184 accredited by ČIA according to ČSN EN ISO 15189:2013.