Before treatment, we will complete all necessary examinations. These will help us discover the underlying issue with fertility. If the problem cannot be treated, assisted reproduction is the next step. If possible, considering the diagnosis, we try simple treatment methods before the complicated ones.
IUI is the simplest method of assisted reproduction. It helps the sperm reach the ovaries and egg. This means that a doctor places sperm inside the uterus using a plastic catheter at the most fertile day of the cycle. This method is painless and takes only a couple of minutes.
About this methodIVF is an assisted reproduction method during which the egg is fertilised outside a woman’s body in lab conditions (in vitro). Firstly, eggs are retrieved after a hormonal stimulation. They are then fertilised by the partner’s sperm in a laboratory. After a few days, we insert the resulting embryo back into the woman’s body.
About this methodIn case a pregnancy cannot be established with own cells, we use those of our donors. Egg and sperm donation in the Czech Republic is legal, voluntary, safe and fully anonymous
About this methodIf you are not planning to become a parent yet, due to illness or career, we strongly recommend you freeze your gametes. In the body, gamete quality declined with age. And if you have to undergo oncological treatment, you will later be able to have your own child.
About this methodWe would like to thank all PRONATAL staff for their professionalism, care and extraordinary attitude. Just when we thought we will not make it anymore, after so many years and due to our age, thanks to you we have the sweetest couple at home: Sam and Elisa. Thank you with all our hearts.
Top specialists in reproductive medicine, gynaecology and obstetrics, urology and andrology, embryology, and reproductive genetics, work in our centres. For almost 30 years of existence, we brought thousands of children into the world.