Did you know that at PRONATAL Plus you can benefit from the Packages with guarantee for your IVF treatment with donated oocytes?
PRONATAL Plus offers 2 different packages with guarantee.
What do we guarantee?
For the donation program, we select a suitable donor based on your characteristics and preferences. We will synchronize the donor with your cycle. After the retrieval of the donor’s oocytes, all of these will be fertilized with your partner’s sperm.
After four to five days of cultivation, one or two embryos will be transferred. The rest of the embryos will be cryopreserved for future cryotransfers. However, at the end of the cultivation the quality of some of the embryos is not sufficient for transfer. Approximately 30 percent of couples have only one or two embryos that can be transferred after the cultivation period.
If in two weeks after the transfer of one or two embryos the pregnancy test results negative, the couple will have to start over with a new treatment. With one of our guarantee packages this will not be necessary and we will offer you a new donor. After your acceptance of the proposal we will stimulate the donor, collect the oocytes and cultivate the embryos obtained entirely at our expense. You will then have to pay only EUR 900 for the cryotransfer instead of paying for a new treatment. The packages with guarantee can be offered only if spermiogram has sufficient quality, so the sperm sample can be cryopreserved.
Should you be interested in more detailed information, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to answer your questions.